OldSch00l > FORUM
RealName _ Daniel
Game Name _ F.E.A.R
Age _ 14
Xfire _ fear850
Country _ Poland
Activity (Low,Medium,High) _ High ^^
Past Clans & Why you left them? _ I don't have any clans.
PB GUID (/pb_myguid) _ 5889d9e8
What will you add to the clan _ Good game and more win FW and CW
Why do you want to join _ I think this clan is good so i wanna join.
Skill _ good. I play all time with Lowwy and Sala bcs they are my real friends
Activity (Xfire, Teamspeak And Forums!) _ Xfire : all time, TS: when is FW or when u say to me cmon , forums 4 times at day.
Chciałbym dodać, że niby to będzie mój pierwszy klan, ale gram dobrze. Możecie spytać się Lowwego i SAli bo sa to moi qmple z reala, ale niestety do nich się nie dostane bo rekrutacja zamknięta i polecili mi was
Ostatnio edytowany przez fear850 (2011-05-04 12:13:34)